Wir verwenden Cookies, um sicherzustellen, dass wir Ihnen die beste Erfahrung auf unserer Website bieten.
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Datenschutz der Benutzer

(Leider ist dieser Artikel nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar.)

In order for our site to work properly and to be able to further improve this site to improve user browsing experience, we need to save a small amount of information to your computer in a special file (or file) called Cookies, . More than 90 percent of all web pages use this practice. According to the EU regulations of March 25, 2011 we are obliged to request your consent before saving the cookies. By using the web site, you agree to use the cookie. By blocking cookies you can still browse the page, but some of its features will not be available.

What is a cookie?

The cookie information is saved to your computer by the web site you are visiting. It is customary to save your settings and settings for a web page, such as a preferred language or address. Later, when you open the same web page again, the web browser sends back the cookies that belong to that page. This allows the page to display personalized information.
Cookies can store a wide range of information, including personal information (such as your personal name or email address). However, this information can only be saved if this is explicitly permitted because the web pages can not access the information you have not provided and can not access other files on your computer. Default activity for saving and sending cookies is not visible to users. However, you can change Internet browser settings by automatically choosing whether or not to approve or reject cookie requests, and then automatically delete them when you close your web browser's saved cookies and other settings.

How do I adjust my cookie settings?

By editing the cookie settings, you decide whether to allow them to be stored on your computer. Managing and adjusting cookie settings, as mentioned above, can be done on the web browser. For information about cookie settings, click the name of the Internet browser you are using. Some settings may also depend on the device that accesses the Internet (desktop, tablet, or mobile) and is not available in your language. If you're preventing cookies, you will not be able to use some of the functionality on our web site.

What are Session Cookies?

Temporary cookies or session cookies are removed from your computer by closing your web browser. With them, websites store temporary information, such as items in a shopping cart.

What are Permanent cookies?

Permanent or saved cookies remain on your computer after you close your Internet browser. By using them, websites store information such as your login and password username so you do not have to sign in for each visit to a specific location. Permanent cookies will remain on your computer for days, months, and even years.

What are the First-party cookies?

First-party cookies come from the sites you're watching and can be temporary or permanent. With them, sites can store the data they will use again when they visit the site.

What are Third-party cookies?

Third-party cookies come from the content of other sites, such as advertisements, which are on the site you are currently viewing. With these cookies, websites can track the use of the internet for marketing purposes.

Do we use cookies?

We use cookies, with the primary purpose of providing our web pages with a better user experience.

What kind of cookies do we use and why?

Do we have Third-party cookies?

We use a few external services that save cookies to a user. These cookies are set for normal functioning of certain features that make it easier for users to access content and share them with other online services. We currently allow:

More information about turning off cookies

There are currently several web pages to exclude cookies for various services. More information about this can be found on the following links: